Research Am 5/25/76, Am 4/23/96, Am 4/25/00
This committee shall consist of twleve ordinary members of the Division, including the Divisional Representative to the University Committee on Research Policy (UCORP) and ex officio the Vice Chancellor for Research, neither of whom shall serve as chair or vice chair. It shall also have one graduate student representative, who shall not have the right to vote. The Chair and Vice Chair of this committee shall normally be appointed for two-year staggered terms. The UCORP member shall normally serve for two years after having served at least one year on the Divisional committee see Bylaw 185(C)(8)and SBL 200. Am 11/27/90, Am 4/25/95, Am 4/23/96, Am 4/25/00, Am 2/24/04, Am 1/29/08, Am 3/12/13, Am 4/5/22
This committee shall have the following duties:
Am 4/23/961)
It shall review and make recommendations to the Administration and the Division concerning general policies pertaining to Organized Research. En 11/27/90, Am 4/23/96
It shall review and make recommendations concerning proposals for and reviews of Organized Research Units. En 11/27/90
It shall review and make recommendations concerning proposals for and reviews of University authorized research units. En 11/27/90, Am 4/23/96
It shall formulate and report to the Division general policies, not otherwise provided for by University‑wide policy, concerning the research activities on the San Diego campus that are supported by campus funds or by extramural funding. Am 4/23/96, Am 3/12/13
It shall advise the Chancellor and report to the Division concerning budgetary needs for support of research in the Division. See Bylaw 135
It shall make recommendations to the Chancellor, at his or her request, concerning the allocation among applicant San Diego Division members of any money made available. Am 4/23/96