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Part 2: Committees
Chapter 3. Standing Committees of the Division

Graduate Council See SBL 106
  • A)
    This committee shall consist of eleven ordinary members of the Division, including the Dean of Graduate Studies, ex officio, who shall not be chair or vice chair.  It shall also have two graduate student representatives, who shall not have the right to vote.  One member shall serve on the University Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs of the Academic Senate see Bylaw 185(C)(8)and SBL 180. Am 5/24/77, Rt 6/8/77, Am 2/28/89, Am 2/24/04, Am 10/28/08, Am 3/11/11
  • B)
    The Graduate Council of the San Diego Division shall have the authority entailed by the following obligations to the San Diego Division: Am 5/23/95
    • 1)
      The council, with the prior approval of the Division, shall make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs concerning (a) the establishment of new graduate degrees and (b) the qualifications of departments and groups of departments for initiat­ing new programs leading to existing graduate degrees.  The council shall obtain Divisional approval of any of these recommendations at a Division or Representative Assembly meeting.  After obtaining Divisional approval, the Graduate Council shall transmit its recommendation to the Coordinating Commit­tee on Graduate Affairs.  If its recommendation is later altered or rescinded by an appeal under Bylaw 155(B) or by action at a Division or Representative Assembly meeting, the Graduate Council shall so report to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs. Am 5/25/76, Am 3/1/11
    • 2)
      The council shall have the authority, on behalf of the Division, to review and approve or disapprove changes to existing graduate programs in any department, interdisciplinary programs, or equivalent unit wholly or partially responsible to the Division. En 3/1/11
    • 3)
      The council shall approve text and other materials describing new and existing graduate programs, schools, and colleges to be included in the publications dealing with educational matters see Bylaws 200(B)(7). In carrying out this duty, the council shall maintain liaison with the Educational Policy Committee. En 3/1/11
    • 4)
      The council shall coordinate the procedures of the various depart­ments and schools on the campus insofar as they relate to the confer­ring of degrees higher than the Bachelor's degree.
    • 5)
      The council shall set policy and standards for:
      • a)
        Admission to graduate status in accordance with the provisions of the Academic Senate;
      • b)
        Appointment of graduate students as Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Research Assistants, and recipients of University Fellowships;
      • c)
        Appointment of postdoctoral scholars or their academic equivalent and for their enrollment by the Graduate Division.1
    • 6)
      The council shall make recommendations to the Dean of Graduate Studies on the allocation of the Graduate Division graduate student fellowship support funds to academic departments and programs. Am 10/28/08
    • 7)
      The council shall appoint committees in charge of candidates' studies, who shall certify for every candidate before he or she shall be recommended for a higher degree that the candidate has fulfilled the requirements of the University pertaining to that degree.  The council shall supervise the conduct of public and other examinations for higher degrees and shall admit qualified students to candidacy for higher degrees. The council may annually redelegate all or part of these authorities to the Dean of Graduate Studies. Am 3/1/11
    • 8)
      The council shall make final report to the Division concerning the conferring of graduate degrees.
    • 9)
      The council shall regulate in other ways the graduate work of the Division, with a view to the promotion of research and learning, especially by exercising its responsibility for conducting regular reviews of existing graduate programs for their quality and appropriateness. In carrying out its program review responsibilities, the council shall ensure that the graduate curricula are in compliance with Senate Regulations and educational policies. Am 3/1/11
    • 10)
      The council shall report and make recommendations to the Division on matters pertaining to graduate work.
    • 11)
      The council shall advise the Chancellor of the San Diego campus when requested concerning relations with the educational and research foundations. Am 3/1/11
    • 12)
      The council shall limit, at its discretion, the study lists of grad­uate students who are employed.
    • 13)
      The council shall make rules governing the form of presentation and the disposal of dissertations.
    • 14)

      The council shall authorize and supervise all graduate courses of instruction in the Division.  In carrying out this duty the Council shall maintain liaison with the  Educational Policy Committee.

      • a)
        The council may grant, on behalf of the Division, final approval of proposed new graduate courses, proposed modifications to graduate courses, and proposed deletions of graduate courses.
      • b)
        The council may, on behalf of the Division, suspend or withdraw approval of graduate courses. The council may, on behalf of the Division, delete graduate courses that have fallen into disuse.
    • 15)
      In taking these actions, the council shall give full consideration to the views and conclusions of appropriate departments, faculties, programs, and faculty members. These actions may be appealed in accordance with Bylaw 155. Am 3/1/11The council shall consider proposals and academic plans for the establishment of departments, schools, or colleges offering, or intending to offer, graduate and/or professional instruction and degrees. [An academic plan is a set of specifications covering educational philosophy, organizational structure, fields of study, degree requirements, relation of undergraduate and graduate programs, use of facilities, and deployment of faculty]. Am 3/1/11
    • 16)
      The council shall perform such duties as it is assigned by the Policy and Procedures on Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, and Discontinuance of Academic Programs and Units.

1 For purposed of this legislation a postdoctoral scholar is one who:
  1. Has been awarded, or has completed requirements for a doctoral degree or foreign equivalent where at least three years of undergraduate study are prerequisite to admission to the graduate degree program, and
  2. Has been awarded a Fellowship or Traineeship or equivalent support for studies at the postdoctoral level, and
  3. Will pursue a program of research and training approved by a department or research unit and by the Dean of Graduate Studies.
The term academic equivalent refers to such appointments as Postgraduate Research-category who are in training status but not to interns and residents. Enrollment as a postdoctoral scholar is limited to a period not to exceed five years.

Part 2: Committees