Faculty Welfare formerly Bylaw 265 Am 5/25/82, Am 5/24/11
This committee shall consist of ten ordinary members of the Division and one emeritus member who are not officers of the Division. One member shall also serve on the University Committee on Faculty Welfare see Bylaw 18(C)(8)and SBL 175. Any Divisional representative to the Faculty Welfare Task Force on the future of the UC Health Care Plans, or its equivalent, shall serve as an ex officio member. Am 10/16/84, Am 1/25/94, Am 2/24/04, Am 5/24/11, Am 4/5/22
This committee considers and reports in timely fashion to the Division and other agencies of the Senate and confers with and advises the Chancellor and campus administration agencies on matters concerned with the welfare of the faculty, such as salaries, benefits, insurance, retirement, housing, and conditions of employment. Am 5/24/11
This committee shall be responsible for reporting on all health care matters of concern to members of the Division. In particular, it shall serve as the liaison between the Division and the various administrative bodies concerned with health care, and it shall monitor the introduction, implementation, and effectiveness of all health plans offered on the campus. En 5/24/11