If the committee determines that non‑academic criteria
were significant factors in establishing the grade, it shall give the student the option of either receiving a grade of P or S in the course or retroactively dropping the course without penalty. A grade of P or S awarded in this way shall be acceptable towards satisfaction of any degree requirement even if a minimum letter grade in the course had been required, and shall not be counted in the number of courses a student may take on a P/NP basis. If the student elects to receive a grade of P or S, the student may also elect to have a notation entered on his/her transcript indicating that the grade was awarded by the Divisional grade appeals committee.
The committee shall serve written notification of its findings and its decision to the student and the instructor. The student and the instructor may respond in writing to the findings and the decision of the committee within one week of such notification.
If there are no responses, or if after considering such responses the committee sustains its decision, the grade shall be changed; the committee shall then instruct the Registrar to change the grade to P or S or, if the student elected the drop option, to retroactively drop the course from the student's record. Copies of the committee's instruction shall be sent to the student and the instructor.