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Senate Manual: Appendices

Appendix 1. Excerpts for Standing Order of the Regents

Standing Order 100. Officers of the University
100.4Duties of the President of the University
Standing Order 101. Faculty Members and Other Employees of the University
101.1Employment Status
Standing Order 103. Special Provisions Concerning Officers, Faculty Members, and Employees of the University
103.2Privilege of a Hearing Before the Academic Senate
103.5Emeritus Status
103.7Severance Compensation
103.10Security of Employment
Standing Order 110. Academic Units and Related Activities of the University
110.1Academic Units and Functions, Affiliated Institutions, and Related Activities of the University.
110.2Matters Relating to Residency

Appendix 2. UC San Diego Academic Integrity Policy

Appendix 3. Policy on Students with Disabilities and Steps for Academic Accommodation

Appendix 4. Policy and Procedures on Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, and Discontinuance of Academic Programs and Units

Appendix 5. Bylaws of the Faculties of UCSD

Senate Manual