All faculty of the School of Public Health (SPH), School of Medicine (SOM), and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS) are considered Health Sciences (HS) faculty and are thus subject to HS Bylaws.
The Faculty of the UC San Diego School of Public Health (SPH) shall govern and supervise the School (SBL 50). The Faculty shall be concerned with the academic programs, governance, and all related aspects of the School’s academic environment. The Faculty shall authorize and supervise all courses and curricula for SPH program students and advise the Dean of the School concerning various matters, including the resources necessary to perform its missions and to implement the curricula as part of the shared governance process of UC San Diego. The Faculty shall be responsible for determining the conditions for admission, testing, and promotion of students, and determining the requirements for awarding the degrees offered in the School. The Faculty shall be responsible for and participate in selecting, training, and certifying students in SPH programs to either the Dean of Undergraduate Education or the Graduate Dean for degrees. The Faculty shall also be responsible for recommending to the President candidates for each degree.
The Faculty shall also participate in the training of other professionals.
The Faculty shall engage in teaching, research, and service in public health sciences, public health, health care, or related fields, to fulfill the responsibility of the University to develop, transmit, and apply new knowledge in public health.
The members of the SPH Faculty shall consist of:
Members of the Academic Senate who hold primary or secondary appointments in the School of Public Health:
Ladder Rank
Clinical “X”
Lecturers with Security of Employment, Lecturers with Potential Security of Employment (i.e., Teaching Professors)
Non‐Senate faculty who hold primary or secondary appointments in the School of Public Health:
HS Clinical
Professor of Practice
Non‐Salaried Adjunct: Not invited to regular meetings of the faculty and do not hold voting privileges.
Voluntary and Non‐Salaried HS Clinical: Not invited to regular meetings of the faculty and do not hold voting privileges.
Unit 18 Non‐Senate Lecturers: Do not hold voting privileges.
RTAD Senate and non‐Senate faculty who hold active appointments in the School of Public Health.
Voting Membership
Faculty as defined in Bylaw II shall have the privilege of voting, with the exceptions provided in Bylaw II and the provision that voting privileges shall be exercised in compliance with Legislative Ruling 12.75, in that non‐ Senate members may vote only on questions that will be referred for final Senate action to another Senate agency. To ensure compliance with Legislative Ruling 12.75, on those occasions when the Faculty is either taking final action on any matter for the Academic Senate or advising in the name of the Senate, votes of Senate and of non‐Senate members shall be recorded separately and only votes of Senate members will be transmitted. Compliance with Legislative Ruling 12.75 also allows that all eligible faculty can vote on questions that will be referred for final Senate action to another Senate agency, such as the HS Faculty Council, campus Graduate Council, or campus Undergraduate Council.
Two SPH faculty members (at least one appointed in an Academic Senate title) will serve as representatives to the Health Sciences Faculty Council for a minimum term of one year.
The Faculty shall meet at least twice during the academic year and, in addition, on written request of at least five members of the Faculty. Notice of a faculty meeting must be given at least five days in advance of each meeting except under need to address urgent issues. The number equal to 25% of the voting faculty shall be considered a quorum. In compliance with the desire of the SPH and HS faculty to take advantage of efficiencies where possible, meetings may be in conjunction with all of the HS Faculty or specific to the Faculty of the SPH.
For all standing SPH committees of the Faculty, if not otherwise specified by the committee, a quorum shall consist of the next whole number of voting members above 50%.
The standing committees of the Faculty shall consist of:
Committee on Educational Policy (CEP)
The Committee on Educational Policy shall consist of the Education Program Directors (or their designee as approved by the committee or the SPH Dean) and a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of four (4) at‐large members of the Faculty of the SPH who lead a course in the SPH programs. One member will serve as Chair (Senate Faculty only) by committee vote. At‐large member positions will be filled by the Chair soliciting volunteers and nominations from the SPH Faculty and voted upon by the SPH Faculty and will serve staggered 3‐year terms. The Associate Dean for Education (or equivalent) will serve on the committee ex officio with no voting privileges.
The function of the Committee on Educational Policy shall be to represent the Faculty in all educational matters, especially regarding the determinations for the conditions for admission, curricula, testing, promotion of students, and awarding the degrees offered in the School and for review of continuing education programs and other aspects of educational policy. It has authority to take action on all educational matters that do not require a vote of the Faculty.
CEP shall represent the Faculty in its role in all educational matters, especially regarding the curriculum for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education and other aspects of educational policy. The committee is charged with continuous review and evaluation of admission requirements, curricula, testing, and requirements for promotion / advancement of students leading to the degrees offered within the School.
The Committee on Educational Policy shall appoint subcommittees as necessary to achieve its goals of review. The Committee on Educational Policy shall make recommendations to the Faculty of the School, regarding initiation or discontinuance of degree programs. The SPH Committee on Education reports to the HS Faculty Council for information or to resolve difficult problems, on request of more than one member of SPH CEP, or on matters that must be presented to the full HS Faculty. The Committee on Educational Policy shall establish liaison and coordination with the Academic Senate, Faculty Council, campus Graduate Council, campus Undergraduate Council, and appropriate student organizations.
Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP)
The SPH Committee on Academic Personnel (SPH CAP) shall consist of a Chair (Senate Faculty only), a Vice Chair, and at least three (3) members of the full‐time faculty, with consideration for representation across the Divisions / Departments. At least three (3) members of the committee must be members of the Academic Senate. The Chair and Vice Chair will be appointed by committee vote. For vacant positions, the SPH Faculty shall be asked for nominations, including self‐nominations, by the committee Chair; candidates will be voted upon by the SPH Faculty. The members shall serve staggered 3‐year terms.
The SPH CAP will review SPH appointed faculty and non‐faculty academics (Project Scientist, Research Scientist, Academic Administrators, Academic Coordinators, and Specialists) files in the School for appraisals, accelerations, career reviews, promotions, terminations, and establishment of end dates for Senate‐series appointees. SPH CAP will provide recommendation to the Faculty on reviewed files.
In addition, SPH CAP will review Health Sciences Clinical and Clinical X files in the SPH for appointments. The SPH CAP will not review Voluntary or non‐Salaried HS Clinical files. The SPH CAP will make recommendations to the SPH Dean and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (or equivalent) on academic personnel matters, including the establishment and revision, as necessary, of the criteria for appointment and advancement for faculty and academic appointees.
Finance Committee
The Faculty shall establish a Finance Committee to be advisory to the Dean in the areas of budget and fiscal planning. The committee will consist of four (4) members of the Faculty of the School with consideration for diversity and inclusion and the Assistant / Associate Dean for Administration (or equivalent), who will serve as an ex officio member without voting privileges. The Chair and Vice Chair will be appointed by committee vote. For vacant positions, the SPH Faculty shall be asked for nominations and self‐nominations by the committee Chair and the Dean; candidates will be voted upon by the SPH Faculty. The members shall serve staggered 3‐year terms.
Ad Hoc Committees
The Faculty may appoint ad hoc committees for specific purposes and identified short‐term needs.
Participation of the Administration on Committees
The Dean of the SPH may appoint and revoke the appointment of members of their staff to serve on each Committee of the Faculty of the SPH (without voting privileges unless otherwise indicated). These appointments shall be made annually in consultation with the Chairs of the respective committees. Ex officio membership of the Assistant / Associate Dean for Administration (or equivalent) on the Finance Committee is not subject to revocation of appointment by the Dean.
Participation of Students on SPH Committees
Students play a major role in their own education; therefore, students in good standing may be appointed by their Class Steering Committee, or other duly constituted body, representing students as non‐voting members of the SPH Committee on Educational Policy or ad hoc committees that directly affect students as deemed appropriate by the SPH Dean or committee Chair. Each committee shall determine the number of student members to maintain appropriate participation.
The privilege of voting on a SPH Committee may be awarded each year to student members on the basis of a majority vote by the faculty members of that committee. The faculty members shall determine the number of student votes appropriate to each committee each year. Voting privileges shall be exercised in compliance with Legislative Ruling 12.75, in that non‐Senate members may only vote on questions that will be referred for final Senate action to another Senate agency, such as the HS/Faculty Council, the campus Graduate Council, or the campus Undergraduate Council.
Elections of Officer representatives to the Health Sciences Faculty Council will be by vote of the Faculty.
Initiative for amendments to these bylaws may be taken by the Faculty. Initiative for amendment of these Bylaws may be advanced by petition signed by five or more members of the Faculty of the SPH. Such amendments are to be submitted to the Faculty at least five days prior to a meeting at which the proposed amendment will be discussed. Approval of the amendment requires a two‐thirds majority vote of the Faculty by mail or electronic ballot.
No change in these Bylaws may be made that will be in conflict with the Bylaws, Regulations, or Legislative Rulings of the Academic Senate of the University or of the San Diego Division.