October 11, 2024 (Announcement at the end of December 2024)
January 10, 2025 (Announcement at the end of February 2025)
March 14, 2025 (Announcement at the end of May 2025)
The next deadline for submission of applications is March 14, 2025. Funding for the March deadline will begin June 1, 2025. Late applications will not be considered, no exceptions. If you miss this deadline, the next deadline will be in October 2025 (for funding to start January 1, 2026).
Applications are created and submitted electronically through eGrants. Information about eGrants is available at /online-tools/interactive-utilities/egrants.
Project descriptions should be written in general terms and comprehensible to non-specialists. Priority will be given to original projects, especially by pre-tenure and recently arrived faculty with no extramural or intramural support. Faculty with more than $40K in unencumbered discretionary or start-up funds will receive a lower priority; you must provide a clear and specific explanation why available unencumbered funds cannot be used for the requested expenses to support this research proposal. Individual research grants funded by the Committee will not exceed $15,000. Awards that would result in cumulative support beyond $60,000.00 over a ten-year period are unlikely to be awarded. Since the Committee is particularly interested in promoting new projects that will lead to extramural support, applicants should indicate when such funding is likely.
Supplies and Expenses/Salaries/In-Field Travel/Equipment
Funds may be awarded for supplies, field work, research assistance, general assistance, in-field travel expenses for research purposes (written quotation from agency required), and equipment (vendor price quotation required). Please note that travel requests are limited to 15 days of per diem (which includes loding and meals) total, no exceptions. For graduate student support, identification of the graduate student is required. Graduate students may only be supported up to 50% effort. Salary support for postdoctoral fellows, PGRs, or other appointments in academic series is not allowed.
Limited funds are available to support the final preparation of manuscripts for publication, i.e. indexing. Manuscripts must exceed 200 double-spaced, typewritten pages. Application must include the title, number of pages, and a detailed price quotation. Funds will not be awarded if a publisher's advance has been received. No support will be provided for proofreading or copyediting.
Computer Equipment
Applications for computer equipment/software must be justified on a research basis. (Vendor price quotation required). Applicants must indicate what kind of computer equipment they currently use and how this request will support their research.
Audio/Video/Photographic Equipment
Requests for funding of audio/video/photographic equipment (price quotation required) must be accompanied by a letter from the Department Chair justifying the request in view of already existing equipment in the department. The award will be made to the academic department, not to individual faculty. The department is obligated to make certain that the equipment is accessible to the entire faculty.
Unallowable Expenses
The Committee does not award funds for: books; curricular, administrative and teaching aid studies; individual subscriptions or periodicals; professional society dues; honorariums; stipends; reprints; publication costs or open access charges; telephone charges; postage; calculators, office furniture; minor office and computer supplies (paper, pens, pencils); maintenance and repair of equipment.
Human and Animal Subjects
Funds are not discretionary; justification of all items requested is essential.
Requests which would result in cumulative support beyond $60,000 over a ten year period will not be approved. The cumulative total will be taken into consideration in establishing priorities on future applications. Expenditures of research grant funds must conform to the Committee allocations by categories and purpose. Savings in any category cannot be redirected and must be returned for redistribution; grantee's 10-year cumulative total will be credited.
The grantee is responsible for the administration of the grant, including overdrafts, and must review the budget and promptly return any funds that will not be spent before the grant expires. Any unexpended funds remaining on the expiration date will automatically revert to the Committee for redistribution.
Any equipment purchased from an Academic Senate research grant becomes the property of the University upon acquisition and is retained by the University upon completion of the project for which the funds were awarded.
Funding collaboration: As part of this funding mechanism, the Academic Senate has developed a funding collaboration with the UC San Diego Center for Functional MRI (CFMRI). For General Campus Research proposals that include human neuroimaging, the CFMRI will support one scan hour (in the form of a pilot hour) for every two scan hours supported by the Academic Senate Research grant. Other details regarding the assignment and usage of these pilot hours will follow the policies of the CFMRI. This generous collaborative arrangement leverages additional research support for innovative multidisciplinary research pilot projects for investigators utilizing neuroimaging methodologies. Questions about the CFMRI neuroimaging support can be directed to Peggy Totzke at CFMRI(ptotzke@ucsd.edu).
All expenditures are subject to applicable University regulations.
Please acknowledge the UCSD Academic Senate in publications benefiting from these funds.
Any unexpended balances returned prior to the ending date of the grant will be credited towards grantee's ten-year cumulative total.