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Academic Personnel

2024/2025 ACADEMIC PERSONNEL Schedule

For the 2024-25 academic year, CAP meetings will begin on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, and will continue through Wednesday, July 30, 2025. The Committee meets once a week, on Wednesday afternoons, except on University holidays and other pre-determined days. 

To access the CAP meeting schedule, click here.

CAP will accept regular academic files for initial review if received in APS by the prescribed campus file deadlines.

Campus File Deadlines:http://aps.ucsd.edu/tools/campusrevdeadlines.html

Furthermore, in regards to CAP's summer session, CAP meetings scheduled after the end of spring quarter, will be reserved for appointment files, term reappointment files, retentions, and responses to additional information and preliminary recommendations.

The Committee on Academic Personnel will NOT meet on the following dates:

  • 11/27/24
  • 12/18/24
  • 12/25/24
  • 01/01/25
  • 03/05/25
  • 03/26/25
  • 06/11/25
  • 07/02/24