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Part 2: Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree at San Diego

Academic Requirements of Warren College En 4/27/76
  • A)

    Warren College will recommend candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, with designation as to major

  • B)
    General Education Requirements Am 5/22/84
    • 1)
      For B.A. Majors and B.S. Majors in Arts and Sciences Am 2/26/91
      • a)
        A two-course sequence in writing.
      • b)
        Two courses in "Ethics and Society" Am 5/20/08
      • c)
        Two courses in a subject that requires formal or algorithmic reasoning (Formal Skills), which may be fulfilled as a major requirement or in the Program of Concentration. Am 5/20/08
      • d)
        Two non‑contiguous Programs of Concentration. Am 5/22/12
        • i)
          Each Program is to come from a different discipline area, with both Programs to be non‑contiguous to the area of the major.  The discipline areas are defined as:  Natural Studies, Mathematics, and Engineering; Humanities and Fine Arts; and Social Sciences. Am 5/20/08
        • ii)
          Each Program is to consist of six courses, generally three lower‑division and three upper‑division courses.
        • iii)
          No upper‑division course overlap is to be allowed between the major and Program(s) of Concentration, or between the two Programs of Concentration.
        • iv)
          Warren Writing, or Ethics and Society courses may not be used to satisfy the Programs of Concen­tration requirement. Am 5/20/08
        • v)
          Double majors will be required to include all three disci­pline areas in their total academic plan.  Thus, if the two majors are non‑contiguous, one Program of Concentration non‑contiguous to both majors will be required.  If the two majors are contiguous, two Programs will be required from the two discipline areas non‑contiguous to the majors.
        • vi)
          At least two courses for each Program of Concentration must be taken at UCSD, except that all six courses may be taken at the same Education Abroad center, or five courses may be taken at the same Education Abroad center and one course at UCSD. Am 5/28/96
        • vii)
          Individually designed Programs of Concentration should follow the general model outlined above, and must be approved by the College Executive Committee.
        • viii)
          A maximum of one interdisciplinary Program of Concentration may be taken from Education Abroad; Science & Technology; Perspectives in Social Sciences; and Humanities. En 5/20/08
    • 2)
      For B.S. Majors in Engineering Am 2/26/91
      • a)
        A two‑course sequence in writing
      • b)
        Two courses in "Ethics and Society" Am 5/20/08
      • c)
        Two courses in a subject that requires formal or algorithmic reasoning (Formal Skills), which may be fulfilled as a major requirement or Area Study Am 5/20/08
      • d)
        Two non‑contiguous Area Studies Am 5/22/12
        • i)
          Each Area Study is to come from a different discipline area, with both Area Studies to be non‑contiguous to the area of the major. Am 2/26/91
        • ii)
          Each Area Study is to consist of three courses, at least two of which must be upper-division, generally taken in the same academic department, chosen from a college‑approved list of Humanities and Fine Arts, and Social Science options. Am 2/26/91
        • iii)
          Warren Writing and Ethics and Society courses may not be used in satisfaction of the Area Study requirement. Am 5/20/08
        • iv)
          Double majors must meet the same criteria that apply to the B.A. in terms of non‑contiguous studies.
        • v)
          Individually designed Area Study proposals should follow the general model outlined above, and must be approved by the College Executive Committee.
    • 3)
      Transfer Students
      For students who have completed their lower-division General Education requirements at an accredited four-year college and for students who have completed a systemwide or campuswide approved core curriculum in a California community college prior to entering UCSD, the only additional general education requirements are one upper-division course non-contiguous to the discipline area of the major and one upper-division writing course.  All other transfer students must complete the upper-division writing course and two Programs of Concentration or two Area Studies as described in (1) and (2). En 2/26/91, Am 5/20/08, Am 10/14/14, Am 2/27/24
  • C)
    Graduation Requirements Am 5/22/12
    • 1)
      Satisfaction of the University of California requirements in American History and Institutions and in Entry Level Writing. Am 5/20/08
    • 2)
      The general education requirements shall be fulfilled.
    • 3)
      Attainment of a C average (2.0) or better in all work attempted at the University of California.
    • 4)
      Satisfaction of the College residency requirement.  Thirty-five of the final forty-five units passed must be taken as a student in the College. Am 5/20/08
    • 5)
      The completion of a major.  The requirements established by Warren College for degrees are: Am 2/26/91
      • a)

        Bachelor of Arts

        Total number of courses: 45
        Upper Division Courses in Major: Minimum of 12

      • b)

        Bachelor of Arts with Honors

        Total number of courses: 45
        Upper Division Courses in Major: To be agreed with department

        • i)
          Be in at least the top half of his or her class in the department; the exact fraction to be established with the concurrence of the department and the Warren College Executive Committee.
        • ii)
          Demonstrate individual achievement by completing an accept­able project appropriate to the major field (thesis, exhibition, performance, etc.); the form and method of evaluation of the appropriate individual achievement is to be established with the concurrence of the department and the Warren College Executive Committee.
      • c)

        Bachelor of Science [Am 4/25/95]

        Total number of courses: Minimum of 45
        Upper Division Courses in Major: Minimum of 12