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Issues Under Review

Review of Interim Campus Policies on Permissible Conduct on Campus
October 28, 2024

Chancellor Khosla submitted the following policies for Senate review on October 2:

  • PPM 160-10, Interim Student Conduct Procedures
  • PPM 510-1, Section V.A, Interim Policy on Major Events on Campus
  • PPM 510-1, Section IX, Interim Policy on Expressive Activity Time, Place, and Manner
  • PPM 516-10.3, Interim Policy on Environmental Sanitation - Housing, Fires, Fencing, Electricity, and Water Usage

Interim revisions to these policies were made to comply with revisions mandated by the University of California Office of the President and the State Legislature's SB 108. On October 25, the Senate received redline versions of each interim policy to facilitate review of the changes. On November 25, the pre 10/1 versions of the policies were added. A link to the redline, clean, and pre 10/1 versions of each policy is available in the Resources box.

California Senate Bill 108, Sec. 219, 34 
UC President Drake Message: Updates on UC Campus Climate Efforts
UC President Drake August 2024 Memo to Chancellors: Directive on Policies Impacting Expressive Activities
UC Santa Cruz Information related to California State Senate Bill 108

Faculty who wish to comment are welcome to do so. The original deadline for comments received from faculty for Senate Council’s consideration was October 25 for discussion at the November Senate Council meeting before the Administration’s November 15 deadline for campus comments. In response to committee and at-large faculty feedback requesting an extension to the comment period, the deadline has been extended. All comments received by January 6, 2025 will be included in the review materials for Senate Council consideration. Senate Council, the executive committee of the San Diego Divisional Senate, reviews all comments received from Senate standing committees and faculty, and discusses these comments prior to issuing a response to the Administration.

The Senate is holding two town halls for Senate faculty on Thursday, November 14, and Friday, November 22, to create space for open discussion and faculty engagement. For more information, see the November 8 campus notice https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/Notices/2024/2024-11-8-3.html.

Olivia A. Graeve
Academic Senate, San Diego Division